Episode 277

Rural Reach: How The Rose Brings Hope to Southeast Texas

October 6, 2024
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What motivates individuals to champion breast cancer awareness and access to care?

In this episode, The Rose board member Tina Saenz shares her passion for helping women, especially those in rural areas, gain access to breast cancer screenings. Despite not having a personal connection to breast cancer, Tina emphasizes the importance of regular mammograms and screenings. Her involvement with The Rose started during her MBA program and has since been focused on saving lives through early detection and education.

Key Questions Answered

1. What is the Hats and Henna High Tea event about?

2. What is the mission of the Rose?

3. Who is Tina Saenz and what is her role at The Rose?

4. Why is Tina Saenz passionate about the Rose’s mission?

5. What is Tina Saenz’s message for women regarding breast cancer prevention?**

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Dorothy: [00:00:00] The following was recorded at Hats and Henna High Tea. And in this episode, you will hear some profound and scary facts about breast cancer and access to care from women who have been through it, to the doctors who were charged with finding it and treating it, to the researchers who are making huge strides in treatment of breast cancer. All could mean a totally different fate for women, but only if access to care is available to all.

When you subscribe to our show. You help us grow. Someone you know may need to hear this story, so please share with your family and friends and consider supporting our mission. Your donation can help save the life of an uninsured woman.

Let’s Talk About Your Breasts, a different kind of podcast presented to you by The Rose. The Breast Center of Excellence and a Texas treasure. You’re going to hear frank discussions about tough topics, [00:01:00] and you’re going to learn why knowing about your breast could save your life.

Tina: Hello, I am Tina Saenz. I am a member of The Rose board of directors. It’s important for me to be a member of The Rose board, uh, because it’s just such a fantastic organization that is helping save the lives of our mothers, our aunts, and our grandparents. I got connected with The Rose whenever I was getting my MBA at, uh, Rice and we’re, uh, Rice and The Rose have a relationship where students there can participate as non- active members of the, of the board.

Breast cancer has not touched my family or friends personally. What really speaks to me about this is I come from a more rural area, and so The Rose actively reaching women who are not in urban, medical center areas really touches me. My message for women about breast cancer prevention is to talk about it to your, to your friends, to your sisters, to [00:02:00] your aunts, making sure that everyone that you know is getting mammograms regularly. They’re doing their regular breast screenings and if they suspect any kind of problems to see their doctor and get your mammogram at The Rose.

Post-Credits: Thank you for joining us today on Let’s Talk About Your Breasts. This podcast is produced by Speke Podcasting and brought to you by The Rose. Visit therose.org to learn more about our organization. Subscribe to our podcast, share episodes with friends, and join the conversation on social media using #Let’sTalkAboutYourBreasts. We welcome your feedback and suggestions. Consider supporting The Rose. Your gift can make the difference to a person in need. And remember, self care is not selfish. It’s essential.

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