Episode 346

Meet the Volunteer Dorothy Almost Fired

March 20, 2025
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During this episode, Linda Strevell recounts the inspiring efforts of the Cancer Fighters group, a dedicated team raising seed money for early-stage cancer research. Their journey is marked by hosting a variety of fundraising events and collaborating with influential supporters. Their relentless commitment has had a profound impact on cancer care, including pivotal support for The Rose.

Linda and Dorothy also reminisce about some of the earliest days at The Rose and Linda’s no-nonsense recommendations for patients.

Key Questions Answered

1.) Who are the Cancer Fighters?

2.) What types of events did the Cancer Fighters organize to raise funds?

3.) How did Linda first find out about The Rose?

4.) How did The Rose and the Cancer Fighters initially come together?

5.) What significant contribution did the Cancer Fighters make to The Rose?

6.) What was one of Linda’s memorable moments while volunteering at The Rose?

7.) How did the second location for The Rose benefit women?

8.) What personal experiences did Linda have with cancer and illness?

Timestamped Overview

00:00 Dedicated volunteers raise funds for cancer research.

04:45 Started at Stella Link; furnished The Rose with carpet.

09:14 Your calligraphy introduced me to new experiences.

11:14 Patrick met important friends first: you guys.

15:31 Birthday celebration despite illness; enjoyed T-shirts.

17:35 Citizen needs police help for neighborhood map.

20:03 Helping cancer patients by connecting in crises.

25:41 80-year-old wishes grandson enjoys life.


Dorothy: [00:00:00] Linda Strevell is a what of a kind woman. I knew this the moment I met her in 1990. She was the president of the Cancer Fighters of Houston and wanted to help us open a second center inside the loop. I was so impressed with her take charge attitude and her confidence when she spoke to some of the richest people in Houston. But most of all, I loved her feistiness.

Once our second center was open, she decided she would become a volunteer and she ran the front desk a couple of times a week. She was the first volunteer I ever considered firing. Seriously, this is a woman of passion and in this episode you’ll learn more about the Cancer Fighters and what this all volunteer group has accomplished in Houston. Plus, you’ll hear some of the stories that drove me over the edge.

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Let’s Talk About Your Breast. A different kind of podcast presented to you by The Rose. A breast center of excellence and a Texas treasure. You’re gonna hear frank discussions about tough topics, and you’re gonna learn why knowing about your breast could save your life.

Linda, it’s so wonderful to have you here today. I mean, we have such a long history. And I am just delighted that we’re gonna have a chance to talk a little bit about the Cancer Fighters.

Linda: Well, I always like to talk to you, Dorothy.

Dorothy: So tell us what the Cancer Fighters do, who they are, and see if you can bring that history on out about how we even got together.

Linda: Okay. Well, the Cancer Fighters are a group of incredibly dedicated volunteers and they raise money for, uh, it’s seed [00:02:00] money really for cancer research, maybe for doctors who haven’t received a grant from the NIH yet, but they have some very promising, uh, research, uh, going for them.

And so we’ll, we’ll interview them and we have information on them. And a decision is made, uh, to whom we’re going to, uh, work for the year, uh, to raise monies. We had all kinds of events just all over town at people’s Beautiful Homes out at River Rocks Country Club, at, uh, nightclubs all over to raise the money. And we had tees. I don’t know if people still have tees, but.

Dorothy: We we did. Yes. We had tee.

Linda: Yeah. And they were really nice, you know.

Dorothy: So when, when did you first find out about The Rose?

Linda: Let’s see. I found out about The Rose, uh, from I believe a talk that you had given. You had come to speak to us because we had educational speakers, uh at some of our meetings, [00:03:00] and we had monthly meetings, and I believe that’s where I was first introduced to you. And to Dr. Melillo and, um, I thought it was intriguing what you were doing. And absolutely wonderful of you that you all just took the initiative to take a step forward for what you had seen happening to women at the time.

Dorothy: And I know you know the story about Dixie had met, uh, someone on your advisory board, Carolyn Farb.

Linda: Right. That’s correct.

Dorothy: At an event and Dixie had gone up to her and said, um. I have something I wanna talk to you, it’s The Rose, and here’s what we’re trying to do and talking mile a minute. And I, I think Caroline kinda looked at her and said, that sounds good. And then turned and walked off and Dixie went, oh, we didn’t, we didn’t have any time with her. Oh my gosh. Two years later, Dixie gets his phone call from her who says, Dixie, I think it would be important for you to meet [00:04:00] the Cancer Fighters, so, that, that was my first, if I may have, we may have done some educational things, but to even know what the Cancer Fighters did.

Linda: Mm-hmm.

Dorothy: So what do you remember about that time?

Linda: Well, I, I do remember meeting y’all and that you kind, you know, that’s my first really introduction and also I remember, uh, how uh, Carolyn did bring us together and also Dr. D Jane Taylor.

Dorothy: Oh, yes. Mm-hmm.

Linda: Who used to be with the Stalin Foundation for Cancer Research.

Dorothy: Yes.

Linda: And actually she and Carolyn actually kind of got together to pull the Cancer Fighters into, into your world, so to speak. Right.

Dorothy: And Joan Gordon.

Linda: Joan Gordon was one of the founding members of Cancer Fighters, I believe, back in the eighties. Uh, 1980. And there was a, it was kind of, there were like two groups of women. There was that, the Joan Gordon group of women, and then I was in the next group and we mailed it together to [00:05:00] start raising money. And everyone had such good ideas. We, we, we never failed, uh, to come forward if someone needed something. And I remember we were so dedicated to The Rose, we really were.

Dorothy: Mm-hmm.

Linda: And I remember of course, when you moved to Stella Link and um.

Dorothy: Well now wait a minute. Wait a minute. Y’ all made that possible.

Linda: Yes.

Dorothy: Let’s, let’s be real clear. We needed a location in town and, uh, the Cancer Fighters had come to us. They said, we normally support research, but we have this gift from a will that wants us to do some type of service project.

Linda: Yeah. That was Joan Gordon’s.

Dorothy: Mm-hmm.

Linda: Yes.

Dorothy: Mm-hmm. And then, uh, you came along and said, well, we need to do something more. And we, we can raise a lot more money, which you did at that wonderful home. And, uh, it was. Oh, what a, what a magnificent event.

Linda: Yeah. [00:06:00] And you know, it was so much fun when we started at Stella Link. Running around to get everything that it was empty. I mean, it was empty in a strip center. And I remember, um, I got, I got new neighbors. I lived out in the FM 1960 area and my neighbor across the street had just bought the house. It was brand new and she was gonna change out the carpet. And I went over there and I said, can we have your carpet? And uh, we took the carpet over and carpeted The Rose.

Dorothy: Oh, yes.

Linda: And it kind of a pale pink, you know.

Dorothy: Mm-hmm.

Linda: Mm-hmm. And then we got chairs. And then I remember I called JC Penny and hounded them.

Dorothy: Right.

Linda: And so JC Penny, uh, donated the drapes that we had in The Rose. I remember that?

Dorothy: And we had a party that day and hemmed them because they were a little too long.

Linda: Long, yeah.

Dorothy: Yes.

Linda: And then, uh, I believe y’all collected some of the furniture. And we collected some, we collected the, the chairs. I remember that. And it was really a hands-on, um.

Dorothy: Very much so.

Linda: Yeah. Yes, very much.

Dorothy: In [00:07:00] fact, it was so hands-on that we had no volunteers. The Cancer Fighters themselves, including you, Linda, came and volunteered. Now, if ever there was a group of volunteers, it was the Cancer Fighters if you had no control over ’em. Well, and they were also, uh, intent on, on what they saw as their job. And you know, of course our technologists always were doing theirs and, and that became my home office. At the time, right?

Linda: You did. And I remember that. I really got in trouble with you, Dorothy, because uh, I was at the front desk one day and a woman came in with her two children. And she was telling me that she had a lump in her breast. And, uh, her doctor had told her that they were going to watch it. And I, you were sitting in the back and I said, well, if he had a lump on his penis, he wouldn’t watch it. [00:08:00] And you shrieked from the back. And I was removed from the front desk about—

Dorothy: Yes, you were, we found another job for you right away. That was so bad. I never knew what was gonna come outta your mouth. I thought, well, well keep in mind y’all, she was the president of the Cancer Fighters at that time, that, you know, here’s the person who had made it possible for us to have this second center, and I kind of had to walk around on eggs just because—

Linda: but it was okay because really I was a fundraiser. So—

Dorothy: You were a fundraiser.

Linda: I kind of got moved over to—

Dorothy: Yes.

Linda: Where my ex—

Dorothy: We found a better job for you.

Linda: A little better expertise there than my front desk, um, customer service.

Dorothy: Oh my gosh. We, we had some good times there. And, and we stayed there five years.

Linda: Mm-hmm.

Dorothy: And from there we, we moved for another five years onto Bisonnet.And I [00:09:00] cannot ever thank the Cancer Fighters enough because our, our main location is so outside the loop that we really never had good bus service out here.

Linda: Mm-hmm.

Dorothy: And being inside the loop meant that so many more women could come to us.

Linda: Right.

Dorothy: Who relied on the, the bus lines.

Linda: Yeah.

Dorothy: I mean, that’s just the way it, it was.

Linda: Mm-hmm. Yeah. You know, I think about some of the people who, uh, helped us, you know, and offered their homes, uh, to raise money and, uh, one person who really comes to my mind was Casey Mecomb.

Dorothy: Oh, yes.

Linda: The most beautiful home in River Oaks.

Dorothy: Oh, yes.

Linda: It was so beautiful. And I remember that, uh, we had, uh, she just did everything for us, and their dining room was just, it was enormous.

Dorothy: Yes.

Linda: And I believe that all of the, uh, this sounds a little funny, but I mean, it was gorgeous. All of the stained glass, the paneling and everything in that room, I believe came from a French wholehouse. Or— Yes.

Dorothy: Really?

Linda: Yes, it did. I [00:10:00] didn’t know it did, but it was just so beautiful, you know? And we had, we had sent out invitations and we always, I know today everybody’s emailing and invites.

Dorothy: Mm-hmm.

Linda: But we used to send out the most beautiful invitations and the, and it really, we had such response from people.

Dorothy: Yes.

Linda: That was one thing that always was very uplifting, how people answered the call when we sent something out. We’re having this fundraiser and just the generosity of people who helped us do that.

Dorothy: Of course. And most folks never knew that you addressed them in your calligraphy. Beautiful, beautiful handwriting. Who would not open those invitations? I mean.

Linda: Well, thank you.

Dorothy: Come on. Oh, it was just gorgeous. And, and I guess if, if I were honest here, I was thrown into a world of very gracious, very wealthy, uh, women who knew a whole nother world than I did, and I learned so much during that time.

I mean, you really, whether you know it [00:11:00] or not, took me under your wing and said, now, Dorothy, you need to do this or you need to do that, or It’s okay to do this because honestly, I I, that wasn’t a world or a place that I was familiar with at all. Yeah, yeah.

Linda: Yeah. I think, well, you know, it was, uh, I don’t exactly remember how I made all my connections, but, uh, I was in other organizations too, because I did live out in the FM 1960 area.

Dorothy: Mm-hmm.

Linda: And most of these people who were helping us, you know, were like you said, they were in the inner inner loop.

Dorothy: Right.

Linda: That helped us. So.

Dorothy: And I, I can’t even begin to, uh think of all the women that we were able to serve just simply because of that second center.

Linda: Yeah.

Dorothy: And the Cancer Fighters continued to be supporters of us. Even to today, they are still supporting us in a different way.

Linda: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Dorothy: But certainly they’re, they’re still a part of our lives.

Linda: Well, I have to mention one person, Sandy Schmelzer Gomel.

Dorothy: Oh, yes, yes.

Linda: Sandy and I were like the Bobsy twins or something. I mean, we just [00:12:00] were in lockstep with so many things. We kind of took turns being president at one time.

Dorothy: Mm-hmm.

Linda: But we, we were so in tune with each other. It was absolutely wonderful. We knew what the other was thinking and we just, we really, we really got so much out of what we did.

Dorothy: And you chaired different events together?

Linda: Yes, we did.

Dorothy: And we just

Linda: did everything together.

Dorothy: She was a great, great supporter.

Linda: Yes. Oh yes. She we’re still good friends.

Dorothy: Yeah. Oh, wonderful.

Linda: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Dorothy: So, speaking of friends, you know, I have to, uh, share that when I met my current husband, Patrick, who is a Canadian that you and Bobby were the first friends he met, and I remember I have, I had built you up to such a level.

You know, Bobby was a lawyer. He was an attorney with this big company. And here’s Linda. She is the president of the Cancer Fighters, and he’d heard about him. And [00:13:00] so here he is, meeting y’all for the first time, meeting me for the first time in person. We’d had a long, uh, uh, relationship via emails and stuff like that.

And Bobby said, oh my gosh. He came out of the, uh, the little beach house in his shorts and his t-shirt and, and Bobby and Patrick goes, this is the lawyer. This is a corporate lawyer. And Bobby says, I think I’m enabling you, Dorothy, because y’all were the ones that said yes. You know, you two need to be together, and you opened your home to us, and Bobby became the best man at our wedding.

Linda: At your wedding.

Dorothy: We were very lucky to, to be able to be with the men we loved the most.

Linda: Yeah. Well, it was a fairytale wedding and I thought it was a fairytale.

Dorothy: Oh, oh, it definitely was. But I will never forget when Bobby read— he, he’s supposed to do the toast, the first toast, you know? And I was going, okay. And, he read Winnie the [00:14:00] Pooh. I went, what? Winnie the Pooh. I mean, and it was about, you know, we’ve been on this river and we’re gonna take our time. And it was beautiful, but—

Linda: Right.

Dorothy: Who in the world would, Bobby would’ve picked that as a toast to 54 year olds who are getting married? I mean, come on. Oh my gosh.

Linda: I didn’t even, that was a surprise to me.

Dorothy: Oh, yeah.

Linda: It was a surprise to me. But, you know, it was a, a beautiful passage and in fact, I brought you a copy of the full quote today.

Dorothy: Oh.

Linda: And, uh, you know, about the river knows that it will get there someday, you know? When it was over, and it talked about the little streams that were just running this way and that way because they hadn’t gotten there yet.

Dorothy: Yes.

Linda: So it was very appropriate.

Dorothy: So you’ve had so many experiences with illness, close friends, Bobby.

Linda: Mm-hmm.

Dorothy: How, how have you handled that over these years?

Linda: Well, uh, for how I was attracted to Cancer Fighters in the first [00:15:00] place was my, uh, father-in-law. Uh, my husband’s dad, of course, uh, died of colon cancer, and this is a warning to everyone. When I got my first, uh, uh, colonoscopy at the age, uh, you’re supposed to get it, I said to my husband, you need, your dad died of colon cancer and you need to come too and get this, uh, test. And so he was very busy and he was traveling all over the United States at the time. And he said, Linda, I just can’t do it right now.

I can’t do it right now. So we’re still living in Houston then. So some years later we moved to Galveston and as our permanent home. And, um, he had gone with me just by happenstance to the doctor, uh, for a checkup. And, um, I was telling the doctor, you know, I think it’s time for my next colonoscopy. So realized a little time had passed and, um, my doctor asked him, have you had a colonoscopy?

And he said, no. And so [00:16:00] she said, well, you’re going to get one too. And well, when he got it, I, when I saw the films, I knew that he wasn’t going to make it because he was, um, top of stage, bottom of stage three, top of stage four when that happened. And so I told him, uh, you know, that I would always take care of him, and I did.

Dorothy: Mm-hmm.

Linda: And we had hospice at the house and all. But I saw some wonderful things when my husband was very ill. You know, sometimes people won’t, uh, touch somebody who’s really ill. And I remember one particular friend of mine, Joan, who walked right over to him and took his hand and talked to him, and it just warmed my heart really.

And we also had friends. My husband died 12 years ago in May, and I remember in April, his birthday was in April, and some friends came and they brought a birthday cake and balloons and all that. He was quite ill, but he loved it, you know?

Dorothy: Yeah.

Linda: And we never, we all, we did not let it [00:17:00] stop us, if you know what I mean.

Dorothy: Mm-hmm.

Linda: We, I had friends over and, um, I couldn’t really, uh, dress Bobby like, he was just couldn’t be moved. So I had my son send some really funny t-shirts and every day when we got him ready, we pulled up, you know, got the sheet up and I laid out a fresh iron pair of, of shorts, uh, Bermuda shorts, and I laid a t-shirt on top of him. Oh, so he looked, he was always so darling, really nice looking, and so he just looked so cute every day he was dressed in bed.

Dorothy: Oh. Such, such good, good memories, even though sad.

Linda: And, you know, my sister came, my sister just loved him. And, um, my sister came and helped us, but, um, I promised him I would not leave him and I didn’t.

Dorothy: Mm-hmm.

Linda: And it’s very important, you know, when you love somebody. And I remember, I remember us talking and saying that neither one of [00:18:00] us, uh, were afraid of dying, but we were really afraid of being separated from each other. We had been married 45 years at that time, so

Dorothy: Oh my, yeah.

Linda: Yeah, I think I’ve helped a lot of people since then about grief and how to, you know, how to handle that and, and what to do afterward because it’s a difficult time.

Dorothy: It’s very difficult.

Linda: Yeah.

Dorothy: Mm-hmm. So, Linda, you’re, you’re now back into another type of life saving, uh, profession. And I have no idea how in the world you ever got involved with the police department. I worried when you first told me that. Oh my gosh. Linda is at the, the Galveston Police Department. No telling what she’s saying to people coming in.

Linda: Right now, I have a gun in A CHL.

Dorothy: Oh. Oh my gosh.

Linda: What can you say? Well, you know, um, I, um was, uh, was in an or a neighborhood organization in Galveston, and I, uh, wanted to do a [00:19:00] neighborhood map. I’d become the president and I couldn’t find anyone to help me do a, a, a map when I say a neighborhood map, one that had neighborhood associations.

Dorothy: Mm-hmm.

Linda: So a friend of mine said, well, the. The best people to go to are gonna be the police department because, uh, they really know the city. So I said, well, okay. So I called the police department and I went up and I met two very nice officers and they, and they helped me, uh, get this map, uh, produced. So I, uh, another friend of mine said, Linda, you know, the police department has a Citizens Police Academy.

And I said, well, I don’t know about this. I mean, I wasn’t never, you know, had too much, uh, contact with uh, Police. So I went ahead and went. It was a 12 week class and I just thought it was absolutely wonderful. And I met an officer who now is a captain. He had just become a sergeant and was starting to lead the Citizens Police [00:20:00] Academies, and I met him at the Alumni Association meeting.

And we, we are still such good friends and we work close to each other at the office, but we, we started out with maybe 12 to 15 members and two years later we had 200. We really just, it’s one of those collaborations like I had with Sandy. Where you just click with somebody, it’s absolutely wonderful.

And he taught me so much about community outreach. He tr truly did. Captain Destin Sims. And, um, anyway, so I volunteered, uh, practically full-time for 10 years at the police station. So, um, our chief now, uh, Douglas Valley. Chief Doug Valley, um, was the interim chief and he was named, uh, well, excuse me. He was the assistant chief and he was named the interim chief. And I was walking across the patrol room floor and he walked up to me and he said, Linda, I want you to go [00:21:00] upstairs with me. And I said, well, chief, do you know how old I am? And he said, yes, but come upstairs anyway. So I went upstairs with him and there I am. So he’s the chief and I’m the chief’s senior administrative assistant.

Dorothy: Oh my goodness.

Linda: And you know, through all of my, um, actions here in, in Hu — in Houston with Cancer Fighters meeting so many different people, different types of people. And the, the different, uh, crises that they were going through, you know, in cancer. At the, when I went upstairs in the chief’s office, I said, you know what this is, it’s, uh, it’s customer service up here.

That’s how I look at my job there. And I sometimes, you know, people call and they’re really in a crisis, and, uh, it’s my job to find the right person in the office for them to talk to because most people who call the chief’s office are not calling to chat. No, they have a problem or they don’t know who to go to.

[00:22:00] So, but I really enjoy my job and my, our chief is so fantastic. You know, I sent you, uh, a video just a few weeks ago. Uh, there are a group of men in, uh, in Galveston and they participate in Bra Dazzle and they raise a lot of money for, um, for breast cancer research, uh, breast cancer. And so, um, the chief, uh, they, uh, they, I don’t know how they do this, but somebody makes brass for them. They’re a little larger than ours.

Dorothy: Yes.

Linda: And so our chief is a community supporter. Okay. So this is his third year that he’s been, uh, in Bra Dazzle and I.

Dorothy: And when we talk about in Bra Dazzle—

Linda: He’s on the runway.

Dorothy: All these men, he’s on the runway.

Linda: All these men go down the runway, but I got the, he sent me the, a video of, of him, and the curtains come open. And out he comes and he rips his shirt off and [00:23:00] he has on a a t-shirt with, and a, and a bra with strawberries on it, you know, and he dances down the runway, swinging his shirt. And, um, when he gets to the end of the runway, women came up and we’re putting, um, putting money in his waistband. So I said—

Dorothy: Goodness.

Linda: Well, but he’s done this for three years and he really enjoys it. Do you know?

Dorothy: Oh yeah.

Linda: And he’s so supportive of, um, breast cancer. We had, uh, you had one of our sergeants start.

Dorothy: Yes.

Linda: Sergeant Stacey Papillon, uh, here, uh, for a podcast.

Dorothy: Mm-hmm.

Linda: And she has gone through breast cancer twice. And the second time, her mother had it also.

Dorothy: Right. Right.

Linda: So, uh, everyone in our station was very supportive of her. And, uh, that’s one thing that I have to say for Galveston Police Department, I could say many things, but when someone is not well, everyone is there for that person, everyone. And Chief was so [00:24:00] supportive of her and he’s really a very fine person.

Dorothy: Oh. Oh, you can tell that. Yeah. Yeah. Yes, he has. Now did were they always supportive of breast cancer. Did you bring that in or what?

Linda: No, I think that that’s just something that—

Dorothy: They’ve always done.

Linda: That we had there. Right now we have little pink ribbons and the, we have a chaplain.

Dorothy: Mm-hmm.

Linda: A full-time chaplain, which is really wonderful department. Also some volunteer chaplains and she’s got a big basket in her office full of the pink. And I went and got one, um, this last week to, um, to put on my name tag.

Dorothy: Right. So.

Linda: Yeah.

Dorothy: So they understand.

Linda: Yeah, they really do understand about it. And, um, of course I got a little time off today to come to do this podcast.

Dorothy: Well, I know, I, I thought Linda and you, you’re saying, I don’t know if I can get off work. I’m going, huh? Now, but now your chief is great.

Linda: Yeah.

Dorothy: Yeah. And I will tell you, uh, Sergeant Paps just kept talking about her brothers and sisters in blue and—

Linda: [00:25:00] Right.

Dorothy: How much they had carried her through this.

Linda: So much.

Dorothy: You know, you, you’re, you’re, um, the police environment in itself is not always a happy one.

Linda: No. It’s a difficult. It can be a very difficult place.

Dorothy: Absolutely.

Linda: I want, there’s something I wanna mention too, and that is that my sister died several years ago of breast cancer. And, um, she was living in Dallas and, um, she couldn’t get a referral, you know, for a specialist. So my husband, uh, told my sister, you get on a plane, I’m gonna go get you a ticket.

And my sister got on a plane and I brought her to Dr. Melillo, to The Rose. I brought her to The Rose and Dr. Melillo, and uh, she had some problems. And Dr. Melillo uh, worked on her and she ended up with a specialist, you know? With a breast specialist. Uh, she made a recommendation for a breast specialist in Dallas.

Dorothy: Yeah.

Linda: And, uh, but it just didn’t, you know, work out for her. [00:26:00] But my sister was, you know, just the most wonderful person. She was a nurse. She was a nurse, and she worked for a pharmaceutical company and during part of her career, and she was very vigilant. But, you know, sometimes things happen.

Dorothy: It happens and it happens too.

Linda: And, and we all, you know, I went every weekend to see her in Dallas and we, I think we, we, having gone through the, um, situation with my husband, I think. My sister and I just brought us really close and we just kind of knew how to handle things. You know, to talk things out and—

Dorothy: mm-hmm.

Linda: And say what, you know, tell us what you need, Biddy. It’s important for us to make, keep you comfortable.

Dorothy: Right. Well, du had such an experience one after another.

Linda: Yeah.

Dorothy: Yeah. That have led you to this place.

Linda: Yes.

Dorothy: So what is it you wish for your, your grandchild?

Linda: Oh, yes. Well, my grandchild, interesting. My son and my husband and I did not have our son till we’d been married 10 years.

Dorothy: Mm-hmm.

Linda: And then my, [00:27:00] my son and his wife I believe had Gavin at nine years. So, so I only have a 10-year-old grandson. And, and, um, for anyone listening to this podcast, I’m 80 and, um, and, um, I just wish for him to, to enjoy his life. You know, and, and, uh, make the most of it.

Dorothy: Mm-hmm.

Linda: You know, and find a path where he really enjoys what he does, you know, when he works. You know, I think every job that I have had, I have never thought I’ll work today in my life. I love my job so much, you know. I don’t know if you remember, but for 17 years I was director of operations for the Houston Convention and Visitors Bureau, you know?

Dorothy: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Linda: And I actually learned a lot about customer service there too. And I just think, I’ve been so fortunate in my life for, for the people mostly, you know, what makes a good work environment or the people that you work with. And that’s been a, been a [00:28:00] really, I’ve been blessed with that. The people that I work with.

Dorothy: So you’ve, you’ve sent us a lot of different messages, things like, don’t put it off, and, uh, and you’re still having your mammogram every year.

Linda: I’m, I’m having it this afternoon.

Dorothy: I know, I know. So, my goodness. So that’s, that’s, uh, a testimony in itself. You’ve always taken care of yourself and said, I’m, I’m gonna do what I need to do.

Linda: Right.

Dorothy: Not many women do that.

Linda: Oh.

Dorothy: You know that, so it’s,  It’s really strong.

Linda: Yeah. Well, well, you can’t take care of other people if you don’t take care of yourself.

Dorothy: That’s true.

Linda: You really can’t. Yeah.

Dorothy: Oh, Linda, this has been such fun.

Linda: Yeah.

Dorothy: All the things that we did, it’s, it’s, it’s so much fun to go back and, and remember and have a chance to thank you publicly in ways that I know I never did. ’cause you were, you were such an influence on me on The Rose.

Linda: Well, it was my pleasure.

Dorothy: Thank you. Thank you for being with us.

Post-Credits: Thank you for joining us today on Let’s Talk [00:29:00] About Your Breasts. This podcast is produced by Speke Podcasting and brought to you by The Rose. Visit therose.Org to learn more about our organization. Subscribe to our podcast. Share episodes with friends and join the conversation on social media using #LetsTalkAboutYourBreasts. We welcome your feedback and suggestions. Consider supporting The Rose. Your gift can make the difference to a person in need. And remember, self-care is not selfish, it’s essential.

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