Uninsured Programs

Uninsured Programs

Every service offered by The Rose is available to the uninsured through one of many sponsorship programs. In fact the whole purpose of the Empower Her® Sponsorship Program is to ensure any woman has access to breast cancer screening, diagnosis and care. From the initial screening mammogram, through diagnostic procedures such as ultrasound and biopsies as well as access to treatment—all are a part of The Rose’s care for every woman. Sponsorship criteria for uninsured women is based on need and financial status.

If a patient is diagnosed with breast cancer, our Empower Her® Sponsorship Program provides guidance through the medical maze. Empower Her® includes Patient Navigators who are by the patient’s side when the diagnosis is shared and offer one-on-one advocacy and mentoring support through the entire process of diagnosis, to physician referral, to treatment. Patient navigation services include assistance with paperwork, translation, education, prosthesis, and access to any resource individuals may need to expedite healing and recovery.

If you would like more information about The Rose Empower Her® Sponsorship Program, please call The Rose at 281.484.4708.

Sponsored care funded by the following grants:

Blue Cross Blue Shield Logo
HEB Helping Here Logo Updated 2022
TTF Logo 01
MCCF Full Color 2020 logo
AmegyBank RGB Blue
AKR Foundation Logo final 6 3 21 002
cadence hrz full color pos JPG
TGF horz color
HWF The Henderson Wessendorff Foundation
MDPC black horz 2 lines 01 002
Boeing full logo 1
Entergy Logo
Waldon Trust