Episode 291

Supporting Your Wife Through Breast Cancer: Tips for Husbands

October 20, 2024
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Why is breast cancer prevention so crucial?

As a woman, Giang urges early mammograms to tackle the fear of the disease head-on. 

Dr. Moosa, having a personal connection as his wife is a survivor, emphasizes accessible mammography for early detection. Their shared mission is to spread awareness and ensure timely medical intervention.

Key Questions Answered

1. Why is The Rose’s mobile mammography coach important?

2. Why is breast cancer prevention personal for Dr. Moosa?

3. What are some myths about breast cancer?

4. Why should women not rely solely on family history when considering mammograms?

5. What concerns are currently on the rise in breast cancer detection?

6. What is Dr. Moosa’s advice to husbands of wives newly diagnosed with breast cancer?

Timestamped Overview

00:00 Breast cancer risk exists without family history.

03:23 Be her strong support; seek help when needed.

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Dorothy: [00:00:00] The following was recorded at Hats and Henna High Tea. And in this episode, you will hear some profound and scary facts about breast cancer and access to care. From women who have been through it, to the doctors who were charged with finding it and treating it, to the researchers who are making huge strides in treatment of breast cancer. All could mean a totally different fate for women, but only if access to care is available to all.

When you subscribe to our show, you help us grow. Someone you know may need to hear this story, so please share with your family and friends. And consider supporting our mission. Your donation can help save the life of an uninsured woman.

Let’s Talk About Your Breasts, a different kind of podcast presented to you by The Rose, the Breast Center of Excellence and a Texas Treasure. You’re going to hear frank discussions about tough topics, and you’re going to [00:01:00] learn why knowing about your breast could save your life.

Dr. Moosa: Hello, I’m Dr. Abdul Moosa. I’m a wound care specialist with CLS Health.

Giang: Hello, my name is Giang. I am the social media specialist at CLS Health.

Dr. Moosa: So, being that my wife is a survivor, It’s in my heart that I want to make sure that every lady has an access to mammography. So having a mobile mammography unit come to CLS Health provides the opportunity for those patients who have difficulty traveling distances or have other logistic issues. So they can at least get the mammogram because early prevention is the key here. So if you can detect it early, the survival rates are incredible at that point. So that’s why it’s very important that they get those mammograms done in a timely manner.

Giang: With anything in life, if it’s something that’s easy to do and it’s convenient, people will tend to do it more. Um, we don’t have enough people who will take the initiative to go for parentive care. So having the bust there and having it right in your face while your provider is already giving you, [00:02:00] um, that access means just more chances of people getting better care.

Dr. Moosa: Usually, We try to look at all the risk factors and so we do know, unfortunately, that a lot of women who are getting breast cancer do not have family history of breast cancer. And that’s one of the biggest myths that is out there. So please don’t fall into that category aspect. If your doctor tells you that you need it, don’t say, Oh, I don’t have any family history so I’m not going to worry about this. You definitely need to get the mammogram done at that point. Uh, like I said, early detection.

Now, unfortunately, what we are seeing as a physician, it sort of scares me. Because we’re seeing younger folks now getting breast cancer. And so it is becoming where we need to look at more than just getting a lump, you know, that you feel itself. We have to look at genetics. We have to look at your risk factors that are out there and see if you need to have a mammogram done earlier than what is recommended.

Giang: As a woman and as a daughter, I always tell my mom, like, mom, I know it’s scary going to and seeing maybe there’s a chance that you could have it, [00:03:00] but what’s scarier is that you I’m having it and not knowing there’s a way to fix it, so that’s why I tell my mom all the time, I tell my aunts, I tell my grandma, I tell everybody to go get their mammograms done.

And also, even people my age, so I just turned 30, and I still tell them literally prevention is key. So, I know it’s uncomfortable, I know it hurts, I know it’s scary, but why would you not go and do the scary step first so you don’t have to have the chance of going through the other scarier steps.

Dr. Moosa: There’s a lot of ladies with breast cancer. So you’re not in this journey alone. You have to speak up when you need the help. You’re not alone in the sense of when it comes time to have help or have some other resources that are available in the community. And so you have to talk to your doctor if you’re feeling that way.

Post-Credits: Thank you for joining us today on Let’s Talk About Your Breasts. This podcast is produced by Speke Podcasting and brought to you by The Rose. Visit therose. org to learn more about our organization, subscribe to our podcast, share episodes with friends, and join the conversation on social media using [00:04:00] #LetsTalkAboutYourBreasts. We welcome your feedback and suggestions. Consider supporting the Rose. Your gift can make the difference to a person in need. And remember, self care is not selfish. It’s essential.

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