Episode 157

An Imam Shares His Personal Experience with Breast Cancer

October 22, 2023
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Imam Shaykh Ammar AlShukry


The Rose’s relationship with The Clear Lake Islamic Center means we can reach women we might not have ever reached before.

One of the people behind this relationship is Imam Shaykh Ammar AlShukry.

As the son of a breast cancer survivor, Imam AlShukry shares his mother’s wisdom and much more during this jam packed mini-episode.

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Dorothy: [00:00:00] Hi, I’m Dorothy Gibbons, CEO and co founder of the Rose Breast, Imaging Center of Excellence. And this mini episode was recorded at Hats and Henna High Tea so having the support of the Clear Lake Islamic Center has meant that we have been able to serve a whole new population of women that we might not have ever reached before.

One person behind that change is Imam Shaykh Ammar AlShukry, who has a very personal account and understanding of breast cancer.

Let’s talk about your breast. A different kind of podcast presented to you by The Rose, the Breast Center of Excellence and a Texas treasure. You’re going to hear frank discussions about tough topics, and you’re going to learn why knowing about your breast could save your life. Join us as we hear another story, and we answer those tough questions that you may have.[00:01:00]

Imam: My name is Ammar AlShukry. I am a director at AlMaghrib Institute, as well as an imam here in Houston at Clear Lake Islamic Center.

Dorothy: Please tell our listeners how you were connected to the Rose.

Imam: So, I got connected with the Rose through, uh, Ashma Moosa. She is a very vibrant and active member of our community.

And this is a project that’s very beloved and dear to her. So she asked me to come and be a part of the event. And I was more than happy to.

Dorothy: What does The Rose mean to the women and men in your community?

Imam: Well, The Rose to me personally, and to our community, of course, is something that is in the service of Our mothers, our sisters, our spouses, our daughters, it’s something that’s very, very dear to us.

It’s very beloved to us. You know, my own [00:02:00] mother had breast cancer and alhamdulillah she, she, um, she beat it, but I could only imagine the difficulty that she went through. And having support around her would have made it so much more easy and even maybe even made it easier for us.

Dorothy: So since you know firsthand what it means to have a relative with breast cancer, what advice would you have for women and their families?

Imam: I had asked my mom this and she said, uh, tell everybody to rely on God. Make sure that you keep your faith strong and realize that nothing happens except what is written. And beyond that, of course, to make sure that you are, uh, getting screened. Early detection saves lives, as well as, of course, getting support.

Support of your family, support of the community around you, support of Rose. Realize that you’re not alone in this.

Dorothy: So that wraps it up for [00:03:00] today. And don’t forget, we’re doing a episode every single day. You’re gonna get your daily dose of Let’s Talk About Your Breasts during the month of October.

Post-Credits: October is the month of pink. And for The Rose, a Breast Center of Excellence, that means we’ll be airing podcasts every day in October to celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month. You’ll be hearing from long time firefighter, senior captain, and breast cancer survivor from the Houston Fire Department.

You’ll hear how making clay heads was part of her treatment. Be sure to share with family and friends because there’s a little something for everyone. To find out ways to help The Rose, visit our website at therose.org. And remember, self care is not selfish. It’s essential.

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