When Your Mother has Breast Cancer

Fatima and Isa Moosa’s mother is Ashma, a passionate advocate and board member of The Rose.
During this mini-episode, they discuss the importance of being strong, and telling an occasional joke to lighten the mood.
Life After Your Spouse Dies of Breast Cancer

Former chiropractic physician Frank DiMaio’s life took a tragic turn when his wife succumbed to breast cancer in 2004, a devastating event he candidly shares in his book “A Promise Made, a Promise Kept,” using journaling as a tool to inspire men facing similar loss, as discussed in a conversation with Dorothy, delving into the benefits of journaling and the challenges of being a widower.
When You’re a Doctor Whose Wife has Breast Cancer

Dr. Abdul Moosa discusses with Dorothy the uniqueness of The Rose, his wife Ashma’s breast cancer journey, and their collective efforts in raising significant funds for The Rose through the Hats and Henna High Tea event.