Fighting for Restaurant Workers’ Access to Healthcare

Dorothy and Dr. Choi

Waitresses and restaurant workers throughout the city struggle to access basic healthcare. As we celebrate Women’s History Month, we’re reminded of Dr. Lori Choi, a woman fighting for change. As the founder of I’ll Have What She’s Having, an organization dedicated to improving healthcare access for those in the restaurant industry, she provides unique insight as to why we need improved public policy. And how cultural differences and financial barriers can prevent individuals from receiving necessary care.

The Doctor Who’s Fighting to Get Service Industry Workers Access to Breast Healthcare

Dorothy and Dr. Choi

In this episode, Dorothy engages in a conversation with Dr. Lori Choi, a vascular surgeon and co-founder of “I’ll Have What She’s Having” (IHWSH), an initiative that brings together women in medicine and the restaurant industry to advocate for improved access to affordable healthcare and foster a supportive community among the talented women in Houston’s culinary scene, discussing Dr. Choi’s background and the significant challenges faced by the service industry.