East Texas Mobile Mammography Hub

Claiming East Texas

The Rose’s fourth and newest luxury mobile mammography coach, Lilly, has established permanent headquarters in East Texas. The goal of the East Texas hub is to provide greater access to care in this rural community while creating jobs for residents, who can seek employment at the clinic.

The Rose brings its mobile coaches to employers, clinics, schools, recreation centers, and community events in East Texas. Since the first two coaches launched in late 2017, women from over 43 counties have benefited from access to mammography screenings and early breast cancer detection. The establishment of the East Texas hub will provide women with convenient access to 3D mammography screenings, which detect breast cancers earlier and save more lives. This is especially critical in East Texas, where long travel times and a lack of oncology specialists create barriers to breast cancer screening, diagnosis, and treatment.

East Texas Hub. Lufkin Invite

"The mobile coach program was started out of a need within the community: access to care. There are many communities we go into that do not have an imaging facility or the technology to provide the life-saving screening mammograms to women in their community."

Jessica Duckworth, Chief Operating Officer