
Genetic Testing

Uncover Your True Risk

While heredity accounts for just 10% of breast cancer cases, our comprehensive genetic testing assesses various factors to reveal your personalized risk profile.

Risk Awareness Redefined

Many might not realize their likelihood of developing breast cancer. Our genetic testing offers a crucial wake-up call to take proactive steps.

Early Conversations, Better Protection

Aligning with leading medical recommendations, we encourage discussions about breast health risks from age 25, fostering a preventive approach to well-being.

The Rose's Preventive Vision

Our goal is to spotlight those at increased risk and deploy preventative strategies early on, increasing the chances of avoiding cancer or catching it sooner.

A Network of Care for High-Risk Patients

Identified as high-risk? You'll receive The Rose's full support, including genetic testing, comprehensive education, and a personalized monitoring plan, with seamless referrals to specialists for further preventive care.