Episode 331

What You Need to Know About Screening Guidelines

January 30, 2025
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How can breast cancer screening guidelines affect women’s healthcare access?

Dorothy Gibbons discusses recent changes in breast cancer screening recommendations. JAMA confirmed that starting screenings at age 40 improves outcomes. Previously, the USPSTF advised screening starting at age 50, but now they recommend it for women aged 40 to 74, every other year. Dorothy advocates for annual screenings for more effective detection. She differentiates between routine and diagnostic mammograms, emphasizing their importance.

USPSTF’s stance on breast density informs whether further tests like MRIs or ultrasounds are necessary. Insurance coverage hinges on these recommendations. The Affordable Care Act mandates insurance to cover preventive services, but legal challenges could affect this provision. Dorothy recalls a case where a woman had to pay out of pocket for an ultrasound, which ultimately saved her life. She urges listeners to understand these issues and their potential impact on women’s health.

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Key Questions Answered

1. Why is it important to start breast cancer screening at age 40?

2. What are the differences between screening mammograms and diagnostic mammograms?

3. What were the previous recommendations for the starting age of breast cancer screenings by the USPSTF?

4. What did the recent update from the USPSTF recommend regarding breast cancer screenings?

5. What is the importance of breast density information for women?

6. What does the USPSTF say about supplemental screening for women with dense breasts?

7. How does health insurance typically respond to the USPSTF recommendations?

8. What is the role of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in preventive services like mammograms?

Timestamped Overview

00:00 Insurance covers screening per USPSTF recommendations.

06:14 Insurance limits healthcare choices; Supreme Court pending.

08:06 Advocating for women’s health and self-care.


Dorothy: [00:00:00] Let’s Talk About Your Breasts, a different kind of podcast presented to you by The Rose, Breast Center of Excellence and a Texas treasure. You’re going to hear frank discussions about tough topics, and you’re going to learn why knowing about your breasts could save your life.

On January 2nd of this year, 2025, JAMA, which is the Journal of the American Medical Association, released a study that says research has confirmed that breast cancer screening at age 40 is not only more cost effective, but also improves patient outcomes. Believe me, this is not news to anyone in the breast cancer world.

We have known for years that starting screening at age 40 makes a difference and does give that patient her best chance for survival. [00:01:00] Now I want to talk a minute about these recommendations. You have to remember that in April of last year, The United States Preventive Services Task Force, it’s called the USPSTF, released their recommendations which said that breast cancer screening for women in the ages of 40 to 74 was okay, it could be done every other year.

Now keep in mind their previous recommendations said don’t start until you’re 50. That’s right, don’t start screening for breast cancer until you’re 50 years old. Well, all of us know that that had to be changed. We agree this change is better, but we believe that screening should happen every single year.

I want to talk a minute about the difference in screening and diagnostic. Screening is when you have absolutely no problems, it’s something you do annually, it is like going to have your, your [00:02:00] annual, or your bi you know, or your every six months, uh, teeth cleaned. It’s just something you do to stay in good health.

Diagnostic mammograms are when you have a problem going on in your breast. You found a lump, you’ve seen something different, something doesn’t feel right, or you’ve had a routine mammogram that has turned out with some kind of results. So, just keep in mind the difference in these two types of mammograms.

They’re different, they’re done differently, they have different results. Now, here’s another recommendation that the USPSTF made. And it was that, it was about breast density. Now, keep in mind, this is a time when the Mammography Quality Standards Act, which is a bill, which is an act, which is a governing regulation of mammogram centers, It dictates that we, the Breast Imaging Center, must [00:03:00] inform women of their level of breast density.

And the more density that you have, the more important it is for you to have other supplemental tests to make sure nothing is hiding there. We’re going to do other series on breast density. Our physician is going to talk to you about it. And it’ll make more sense then, but remember we’re required to do that.

But the USPSTF said that there was insufficient evidence to recommend supplemental screening with MRI or ultrasound in women regardless of their breast density. What does all this mean? It means that whatever those recommendations say is what your insurance company is going to pay for. And if it’s outside their recommendations, you may find yourself with a very expensive test. A test that could save your life.

It also means that in our world where we rely on grants so much, [00:04:00] they follow those recommendations. And, If we are screening women in age 40, they may not qualify for that grant’s funding. This is very, very important to women. The insurance companies were real quick to say, Oh, well, you know, you’re not 50 years old yet, we’re not going to pay for that mammogram. I wonder how quickly they’re going to go back to 40. Just a question.

I want us to remember that the Affordable Care Act requires that most private insurance companies and insurance plans cover a wide range of recommended preventive services, and they are covered at no cost to the patient. These services, and are required also by the Medicaid expansion programs, by Medicare, and they, they say that they, those plans must cover, all those services based on receiving an A or B level recommendation from the U. S. Preventive Services [00:05:00] Task Force. Mammograms are one of these services.

The Affordable Care Act went into effect in 2010. 2010. And since that time, there have been more than 2,000 legal challenges to it. Affordable Care Act says you have preventive services covered at no cost to you. It also says that the insurance company cannot deny you coverage for pre existing conditions.

Both of those things are being challenged and it would mean millions of people would not have their mammograms simply because of that mammograms are expensive. You know, it’s a it’s a tough decision to have something that’s routine, you have no problems and costs that much and isn’t covered by insurance.

It’s a very hard decision for women. Now I could go into all of these legal challenges, but one that came from Texas [00:06:00] had to do with businesses didn’t have to comply with, with this, they did. If they were covering their, in, their employees, they didn’t have to comply, but they called this the Affordable Care Act. Some of the, uh, requirements in it were unconstitutional. That particular case, the, the Fifth Circuit’s decision said, we agree, it’s unconstitutional. The other thing that, that, that they wanted was for that decision to go nationwide, that would’ve affected, that would have impacted 150 million Americans.

It’s in front of the Supreme Court right now, who knows how it’s going to go, but I will tell you, it’s just one more example, one more time, that whether or not you want to have a mammogram is ultimately not your decision. [00:07:00] At the end of the day, you know, those people that are fortunate enough to have insurance may find themselves not able to have it because the insurance company dictates your health care.

And if you don’t have insurance, then you have to find some program like the ones at The Rose in order to get it. You know, a very wise woman told me one time that when she found a lump in her breast, the doctor’s office said you need an ultrasound, but your insurance company isn’t going to pay for it.

And she said, Well, is the insurance company going to pay for my funeral? And then she challenged the insurance company. Now, she was one of those women who had the money to pay for it. And she did. Fortunately, she had the money to pay for the ultrasound, which is so critically important in determining if breast cancer exists.

The results of her test clearly indicated there was an issue and it was suspicious. Her biopsy confirmed it was [00:08:00] cancer. That was over 25 years ago. She’s cancer free now after 25 years. Now she’s retired and she continues to help others. 25 years. How many years will we have to fight for the test we need?

How many more women who don’t have the money will die from untreated advanced breast cancer? How many decisions about our life and our body will continue to be made by other people? One thing I know for sure, those other people are not going to pay for our funerals. So as we head into 2025, I hope you will think about the things that I’ve talked about today. I hope you will think about what is good for you, how to better take care of yourself, and I also hope that you will subscribe to this program and share it with family and friends. That one person that hears this could make a difference in saving [00:09:00] her life. Thank you again.

Post-Credits: Thank you for joining us today on Let’s Talk About Your Breasts. This podcast is produced by Speke Podcasting and brought to you by The Rose. Visit therose.org to learn more about our organization. Subscribe to our podcast. Share episodes with friends and join the conversation on social media using #LetsTalkAboutYourBreasts. We welcome your feedback and suggestions. Consider supporting The Rose. Your gift can make the difference to a person in need. And remember, self care is not selfish, it’s essential.

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