Turning Grief into Advocacy

Brooke Baugh

This episode stresses the importance of communication within families about serious illnesses, as Brooke Baugh shares her own experience with her mother’s breast cancer diagnosis.

Strategies for Caregiving During Breast Cancer Treatment: Jeff Marx’s Perspective

Jeff and Janette Marx with Dorothy

Jeff and Janette Marx share their experience when Janette was diagnosed and treated for breast cancer. Jeff emphasizes the importance of positivity and being a strong pillar. He highlights collaboration with family and clear work communication. Janette discusses Jeff’s balance of support and responsibilities. Both stress honest communication and personal boundaries.

Supporting a Spouse through Breast Cancer: Bill Boyce’s Story

Bill Boyce

After practicing law for 18 years, Bill Boyce served as a justice on the 14th Court of Appeals in Houston for 11 years. Bill has argued more than 60 cases in appellate courts throughout Texas and across the country, including the United States Supreme Court.

How Far Would YOU Go if You had a High Risk of Getting Breast Cancer?

Michelle and Kendall Sandlin

Kendall shares her experience with preventive surgeries after testing positive for the BRCA1 gene mutation. She discusses her decision-making process, challenges, and the lack of information for young women facing similar choices. For women like Kendall and Michelle, it’s all about health advocacy and seeking support. 

How a Family History Influenced Her Decision to Have a Prophylactic Mastectomy

rachel evans

Rachel Evans made one of the most difficult choices a woman could make. She chose to undergo a mastectomy due to a positive BRCA1 gene mutation. During this episode, Dorothy and Rachel talk about the emotional and physical challenges of the surgery and the impact it had on her femininity and ability to breastfeed.

Breast Cancer, Through the Eyes of a Son

Matthew Wallace

What happens when your best friend has breast cancer, and that best friend happens to be your mother? Today, you’ll hear the story of Matt Wallace. Matt’s a writer and healthcare IT professional. He’s also the son of The Rose’s COO Jessica Duckworth, who was featured in episode twelve of season one.

A Family’s Experience with Breast Cancer

Moosa Family - Isa, Abdul, Fatima, Ashma

In this three-in-one episode, listeners will hear about Ashma Khanani-Moosa’s battle and victory against breast cancer and how her resilience is mirrored by her husband, Dr. Abdul Moosa, and their children, Fatima and Isa.

Paying it Forward to The Rose After His Wife Died of Breast Cancer

Gerry Garcia

Gerry Garcia’s wife Ana fought breast cancer for five years before passing away in 2010.

During this mini-episode, you’ll learn about his family’s journey and how they continue to pay it forward to The Rose. 

Gerry has since remarried and his second wife Aurora was also diagnosed with breast cancer. Today, she remains cancer free.

An Imam Shares His Personal Experience with Breast Cancer

Imam Shaykh Ammar AlShukry

Imam Shaykh Ammar AlShukry, motivated by his personal connection as the son of a breast cancer survivor, plays a pivotal role in forging a valuable partnership between The Rose and The Clear Lake Islamic Center, allowing them to reach women they might not have otherwise reached.