Who Do YOU Want to Be at the End of This Year?
In this mini-episode, Dorothy talks about the importance of setting goals for the new year.
The Rose: A Beacon of Hope
Dorothy Gibbons’ joins CanCare President and CEO Darcy Wells to discuss The Rose’s mission. Fueled by the stories of uninsured women, Gibbons and her team strive to bridge the gap in healthcare. Their patient navigation program stands as a testament to hope and resilience
Pregnancy and Motherhood – A New Risk in Developing Breast Cancer
In this eye-opening episode, CEO and co-founder of The Rose, Dorothy Gibbons, sheds light on the alarming rise of breast cancer diagnoses among young women, particularly those who were pregnant or had given birth within the past five years. She reveals the harsh realities of metastatic breast cancer in postpartum women and the urgent need to consider postpartum status as a crucial prognostic indicator.
A Thank You to the People Who Made Our New Studio Possible
Gone are the days of putting ourselves last. As the battle against breast cancer continues, we, women, must prioritize our health. After all, if we don’t have health, we literally can’t care for the most important people in our lives. Making self-care essential starts today. And it must continue tomorrow, and all the days that follow.
Who Do YOU Want to Be at the End of This Year?
In this mini-episode, Dorothy talks about the importance of setting goals for the new year.
Wrapping Up Season One of Let’s Talk About Your Breasts
During this solo episode, Dorothy dives into all the things she learned over the course of season one of Let’s Talk About Your Breasts.
From survivorship to physician advice, our inaugural season has taught the staff at The Rose so much.
The Rose Celebrates International Podcast Day
Join Dorothy as she touts the benefits of podcasting.
Since launching Let’s Talk About Your Breasts, The Rose has expanded its reach to more people in more places. Which means more women served!
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CEO & Co-Founder Dorothy Gibbons, on The Rose’s 37th Birthday
The Rose, an organization that began in 1986 with humble origins and now serves over forty thousand Texans across forty-three counties, celebrated its 37th birthday. This episode delves into its inspiring and harrowing stories of perseverance in the face of adversity, serving as poignant reminders of their impactful work.