HOUSTON –Following a record-breaking fifth year that included more than 650 participants and brought in more than $81,000 to benefit The Rose, the 6th Annual Bikers Against Breast Cancer is “rev-ing” up to be the best BABC yet.
The 6th annual Mother’s Day weekend ride will cover 60 miles, highlight six “Women of The Rose” and include silent and live auctions, food truck offerings, and music by perennial favorites The Slags.
Once again led by a volunteer and staff committee chaired by D’Etta Casto-DeLeon, Assistant Vice President at Grandbridge Real Estate Capital, the fundraising focus has been honed to make individual and team pages easy to use and perhaps even ignite some competition.
“Everything we do, we do for the women who, without The Rose, would have nowhere else to turn,” said DeLeon. “But while we are serious about raising money, we definitely have a good time doing it. And a little competition and attempts to break records is always healthy among friends.”
Breaking records has become the norm as the volunteer-led event has now accumulated more than $250,000 in its previous five years of securing sponsors and auction items as well as enlisting growing numbers of riders and “Ghost Riders” (those who register and may attend but do not ride).
“Partnering with San Jacinto Harley Davidson for their annual open house and having great entertainment like The Slags playing throughout the afternoon took last year’s ride to the next level,” said DeLeon. “We could not make the difference we will make in the lives of the women served by The Rose without the support of the community. From Dean & Rog kicking us off in the morning to Bear Hebert ensuring that our live auction brought in over $10,000, we were simply amazed at the gifts of time and talent.”
Dean & Rog of Houston’s Classic Rock The Eagle along with Hebert with his fast-talking auctioneering are returning this year. The “Leader of the Pack” $15,000 sponsorship level is an option once again as well with Janet Slocum and her husband Bobby securing the first spot for a second year having taking in $20,000 at their Second Chance Saloon during an October fundraiser.
Janet will be among the “Women of The Rose” featured during the opening ceremonies and highlighted at six cheer stations along the 60-mile route. A survivor of almost eight years, she is also representing the many great sponsors who make up the supportive community of The Rose. Joining her will be Barbara Burcham, who has ridden in the BABC for four years and last year discovered she too had breast cancer; Tonia Cloninger, another BABC rider and survivor; and three women giving the “face” to the Young Women’s Services to which this year’s funds will be directed – Elizabeth Stokes who discovered her breast cancer as a 21-year-old young mother; Kay King who was 38 years old and pregnant when her cancer was discovered at The Rose, and Jane Thomas who is 32 years old and about to undergo reconstructive surgery. Their stories will be shared via social media and The Rose’s blog prior to the May 10th event.
According the Dorothy Gibbons, the CEO and Co-Founder of The Rose, young women represent the most underserved breast cancer population. Since just under 7% of all breast cancer cases occur in women under 40 years old, most state and national funding focuses on women above the 40 year mark. Often young women have been told that they were “too young for a mammogram.”
“But they are not too young for breast cancer,” notes Gibbons who has maintained The Rose’s commitment to serving all women – regardless of age and ability to pay – since founding the organization with Dr. Dixie Melillo in 1986.
Sponsorship levels are now available and listed online at wwwTheRose.org/Events. Already committed to serving as “Leaders of the Pack” alongside Second Chance Saloon and San Jacinto Harley-Davidson are The Eagle 106.9 & 107.5. Currently, at other levels of sponsorship and underwriting are JG Homes, International Brotherhood of Electric Works Local Union 66, Paton Controls, Burleson Florist, and Casa Ole. Those interested in securing a sponsorship level can email [email protected] or call 281.464.5142.
The 6th Annual Bikers Against Breast Cancer is scheduled for May 10th at San Jacinto Harley-Davidson (3636 E. Sam Houston Parkway South, Pasadena, TX 77505). Online tickets are $40 for rider and passenger, $30 for single rider, and $30 for a Ghost Rider.
For more information on the 6th Annual Bikers Against Breast Cancer including options to fundraise, sponsor the event, and/or provide auction items, go to www.TheRose.org/events or email [email protected].