The Rose Celebrates Those Who Took “Time to Care”

April 15, 2013

The Rose Celebrates Those Who Took “Time to Care”

“Take time to stop and smell theroses” became an unofficial refrain in a day celebrating the work of The Rose and its focus on quality breast health care. Co-chairs Donna Mittendorf and Pamela Lovett welcomed more than 250 guests to the Junior League for “A Time to Care” luncheon – presented by Comerica – and highlighting the importance of taking time to care – for one’s own health and for the community.

KUHT’s Ernie Manouse moderated a panel of KHOU’s Deborah Duncan, KTRK’s Melanie Lawson, and KRIV’s Andrea Watkins as they shared stories from their own health journeys.

“The Rose is incredibly grateful to our co-chairs, host committee and our panelists for their gift of time today,” said Dorothy Gibbons, CEO and Co-Founder of The Rose. “They exemplified caring and the community spirit that The Rose relies on. We would not have seen such success without them.”

While totals are not yet available, ticket sales, raffle sales and individual contributions are sure to make this luncheon a record-breaker in that this April 15th event was the first of its

Members of the luncheon host committee include Susan Asimakis, Carol Burke, Eileen Campbell, Loretta Cross, Rachel Giesber Clingman, Suzan Deison, Beverly Denver, Barbara Duganier, Irene Helsinger, Leisa Holland-Nelson, Patricia Hunt Holmes, Rochelle Jacobson, Myrleen Knott, Lynne Liberato, Karen Love, Lynn Mathre, Susan McEldoon, Dorothy Nicholson, Chris Noble, Sheri L. Parrack, Sue Payne, and Beth Wolff.

Click here to view photos from the luncheon. (Photos by Debi Wallace & Karen Campbell.)
