Randalls’ Check Presentation Underscores Commitment to Being “Good Neighbors”

May 28, 2013

Randalls’ Check Presentation Underscores Commitment to Being “Good Neighbors”

Randalls celebrated another successful October fundraising campaign for The Rose at a recent check presentation ceremony.Pictured are Jerry Martin, KPRC VP and General Manager; The Rose patient, Sasha Klein; KPRC News Anchor, Dominique Sachse; Dorothy Weston Gibbons, The Rose CEO; Leslie Nelson, Randalls VP Finance and CFO; The Rose patient, Irma Klink; and Paul McTavish, Randalls President.

HOUSTON — Connie Yates’ familiar voice is heard each October cheerfully reminding Randalls shoppers that they can be Good Neighbors by contributing to The Rose when it comes time to check out. While Connie and, in recent years, KPRC’s Dominque Sachse are the voice and face of the annual effort, the store personnel are the force behind the fundraising that in 2012 netted the nonprofit breast health organization more than $228,000.

The lobby of Randalls’ Briarpark office served as the recent stage for that check presentation as associates and guests were in attendance for a special event showcasing Randalls’ commitment to breast cancer research and education. Underscoring that commitment was a simultaneous daylong investment in The Rose’s revenue generating model in which three insured women cover the cost of one uninsured as The Rose’s Mobile Mammography unit screened employees who had scheduled their mammograms that day.

News Anchor Dominique Sachse and Jerry Martin, KPRC Vice President and General Manager Joined Randalls leadership and staff for the celebration representing the local station who has partnered in the annual October in-store fundraising campaign for the past two years. Awareness-building regarding The Rose continued later that day as KPRC included a closing segment on the event as part of their evening broadcast. (To view the segment, click here.)

During the presentation the audience heard remarks from Dorothy Gibbons, CEO and Co-Founder of The Rose as well as mother/daughter breast cancer survivors and The Rose patients, Irma Klink and Sasha Klein.  According to attendees, their story of being diagnosed with breast cancer while in between insurance providers, through their treatment and the recent grand opening of their new boutique for breast cancer survivors in Sugar Land was “emotional, heartwarming and truly inspirational.”

Paul McTavish, Randalls President, presented Josh Nuss, ASD and Sandy Crowder, CSS from the Clear Lake store with a certificate of achievement for being the store that raised the most money overall per 100 transactions. Their efforts brought in nearly $9,500 during the October campaign.

“The Rose simply would not exist without community support and Randalls’ enduring effort year after year is such a marvelous example of businesses who truly get ‘it,’” said Gibbons as she reflected on the day. “We are all in this together, making sure that every woman has access to the care she needs, and the folks at Randalls and KPRC are to be celebrated and thanked for their incredible contributions.”

