Episode 142

Meet the Chair of The Rose’s Board of Directors

October 7, 2023
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Theresa Einhorn


During this mini-episode, hear from Theresa Einhorn, our Chair of the Board of Directors. Learn about how she met Dorothy and what attracted her to this position.

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Dorothy: [00:00:00] Hi, I’m Dorothy Gibbons, CEO and co founder of The Rose, Breast Imaging Center of Excellence. And this episode was recorded at Nice Winery during their kickoff celebration of Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October and the fundraiser that they hold for The Rose. Our next guest is Theresa Einhorn. She is the Chair of the Board of Directors of The Rose.

And she’s also one of our biggest chair leaders.

Let’s Talk About Your Breast, a different kind of podcast presented to you by the Rose Breast Center of Excellence and a Texas treasure. You’re going to hear frank discussions about tough topics and you’re going to learn why knowing about your breast could save your life. Join us as we hear another story and we answer those tough questions that you may have.

Theresa: Hi, I’m Theresa Einhorn, [00:01:00] member of the Board of Directors and current Chair of the Board of Directors. I practiced law for many years, corporate, finance, commercial law, and I met Dorothy through the Greater Houston Partnership Executive Women’s Partnership, which is a group of executive women in Houston.

Dorothy is a fabulous ambassador for the Rose in the corporate community, and I was sold after meeting Dorothy . Addressing the disparities in Houston, in Texas, the disparities in access to health care. Dorothy is passionate, lives and breathes that mission. I joined the Board, became the Chair. I am going to be, am a lifelong supporter of the Rose.

Dorothy: Why did you choose the Rose when there’s so many non profits out there and you could have chosen any one of them?

Theresa: I was drawn to, of course, there’s a wide network of safety [00:02:00] net health care organizations, not wide enough, but I was drawn to the Rose and was able to see personally the, um, efficiency and passion of the Rose team.

Every dollar that is donated to or earned by the Rose goes so far. The patients are so grateful. The return on investment, so to speak, is there is, is great. And that passion drew me to the organization.

Dorothy: So let’s say there’s someone new to the business world in Houston, and they want to get What is your advice for someone who wants to do something like that?

Theresa: It is really possible to combine networking, having a good time, feeling good, with doing good in Houston. So many like minded people who come [00:03:00] together to support causes that are as important as the Rose. So I think if one looks pretty close to home, one can find an opportunity to do that. So I really encourage everyone to try to make a contribution to our community.

There are so many people in need and they become, we help them become, uh, Self sufficient, healthy, and they join us in giving back to the community, so it’s a double win.

Dorothy: So that wraps it up for today, and don’t forget, we’re doing a episode every single day. You’re going to get your daily dose of Let’s Talk About Your Breasts during the month of October.

Post-Credits: October is the month of pink. And for the Rose, a breast center of excellence. That means we’ll be airing podcasts every day in October. To celebrate breast Cancer Awareness month, we’ll be sharing everything from bikers writing for breast cancer to aereola tattoos. Be sure to share with family and friends because there’s a little something for everyone.

To find out [00:04:00] ways to help the Rose visit our website at therose.org. Remember, self-care is not selfish. It’s essential.

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