Episode 163

Meet San Burnett, Advisory Board Member of The Rose

October 28, 2023
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San Burnett


This mini-episode shines a spotlight on San Burnett, who serves on The Rose’s Advisory Board.

Hear about what The Rose means to her, and what her advice is for those with loved ones fighting breast cancer.

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Dorothy: [00:00:00] Hi, I’m Dorothy Gibbons, CEO and co founder of The Rose Breast Imaging Center of Excellence. And this mini episode was recorded at Hats and Henna High Tea. We’re going to be interviewing San Burnett, who is one of my most favorite people in the whole world. She has been on our board. She has shown me a different side of breast cancer.

And we’re just so pleased to have her featured in this mini episode.

Let’s talk about your breast, a different kind of podcast presented to you by the Rose Breast Center of Excellence and a Texas treasure. You’re going to hear frank discussions about tough topics, and you’re going to learn why knowing about your breast could save your life. Join us as we hear another story and we answer those tough questions that you may have.[00:01:00]

San: My name is San Burnett and I am on the advisory board of the Rose. I was a member of Project Blueprint, which is a United Way opportunity to increase the representation of minorities on our local boards. Just one meeting with Dorothy. And, uh, it was more than convincing that this is where I could find my sense of purpose, my sense of community, and my way of uniquely giving back.

Dorothy: So, San, what does The Rose mean to you?

San: The Rose is an organization that extends charity beyond any other. It gives a sense of support, hope for our community. Whether you’re insured, non insured, it sees everyone as an individual, a person. And to that person, the Rose cares.

Dorothy: And do you have any advice for our community and for families who are facing family members that are going through breast cancer?

San: For those [00:02:00] who suspect that they may have a challenge with breast cancer, I would suggest reaching out to the Rose uh, the Rose has a wonderful group of navigators who are here to partner. with our clients and walk them through the process. It’s a place where you never really have to be alone. We can provide the support services such as the screening, diagnostics.

As well as ensuring that those who find themselves in need of more extenuating support services can be connected to our local organizations where they have the opportunity to get the care they need. You know, it’s almost like the Rose’s motto should have been, um, no person left behind. It cares for everyone.

Dorothy: What do you tell people? with relatives fighting breast cancer.

San: I guess one of the things that I unfortunately [00:03:00] had to do was sit in a position and watch a family member suffer with breast cancer. If not more than anything else, I just was there. Be present. Be there. Be empathetic. Be supportive.

Encouraging and ensuring that not only are you supporting and caring for your family member. But you’re also taking the opportunity to support and get the care that you need for yourself.

Dorothy: So that wraps it up for today. And don’t forget, we’re doing a episode every single day. You’re going to get your daily dose of Let’s Talk About Your Breasts during the month of October.

Post Credits: October is the month of pink, and for The Rose, a Breast Center of Excellence. That means we’ll be airing podcasts every day in October to celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We’ll be sharing everything from men who have had breast cancer to what happens when you are pregnant and diagnosed with cancer.

Be sure to share with family and friends because there’s a little something for everyone. To find out ways to help The Rose, visit our website at [00:04:00] therose.org. Remember, self care is not selfish. It’s essential.

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