From Badge to Breast Cancer: A Police Officer’s Story

Sgt. Stacy Papillion

”If your doctor didn’t listen to you, you need to find another doctor.” Those are the words of Stacy Papillion. Affectionately known as “Sergeant Pap,” Stacy knows a thing or two about breast cancer. She beat it twice. The second time around was a battle she fought alongside her own mother.

The Power of Gratitude: A Woman’s Positive Attitude Throughout Her Cancer Battle

Joanne Patterson

Joanne shares her deeply personal journey of being diagnosed with stage four breast cancer. 
Despite the gravity of her diagnosis, Joanne stayed positive. In her darkest moments, Joanne found solace and support from The Rose, which had a profound impact not only on Joanne but also on her daughter, providing them with the strength to navigate this difficult path together.

Following Mom’s Lead by Paying it Forward to The Rose

Jennifer Pareya

Jennifer Pareya’s support for The Rose spans more than twenty years. It all started with her mom’s breast cancer experience. Jennifer’s mom Judy—another ardent supporter of The Rose—was diagnosed. After beating breast cancer, she insisted on the family giving back. And they’ve done so tenfold.

A Woman’s Battle Against Metastatic Breast Cancer

Kathy Stevens

From her initial diagnosis to her current battle with metastatic disease, the conversation takes many turns. You’ll be moved as Kathy Stevens recounts the treatments she has undergone, including a double mastectomy, radiation, and chemotherapy

The Piece of Paper That Saved Her Life

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Surviving breast cancer in her twenties, Marisol Guerrero attributes her survival to a single piece of paper—a sponsorship form to The Rose. Marisol’s powerful story highlights the importance of early detection and self-advocacy in breast health. Her commitment to helping others echoes through her advocacy work for The Rose, aiming to spread awareness and support for breast cancer prevention and care.

She Hid Her Breast Cancer Diagnosis to Keep from Losing Work


Prominent Houston photographer Deborah Wallace, diagnosed with breast cancer three times yet continuing to work in secrecy about her condition, delves into her decisions, her revelation to her sons, and her stance on discussing her health with doctors.

Why Being Your Own Advocate Could Save Your Life


LaTreace Price-Gistard didn’t know about The Rose when she was first diagnosed with breast cancer. She’s convinced things would have ended up quite differently if she had.

During this episode, we talk about her breast cancer journey, the effects of her battle as it relates to her children, and how she ended up serving as a volunteer for The Rose.

She Credits a Single Piece of Paper with Saving Her Life

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Marisol Guerrero, whose breast cancer journey began in her early twenties with a lemon-sized tumor, shares her inspiring story, advocacy for The Rose, and struggles with imposter syndrome in the breast cancer community, as she opens up about the guilt related to the financial challenges of her diagnosis and underscores the importance of self-examinations, regular screenings, and open dialogue in this episode with Dorothy.