Memorial Hermann “In the Pink of Health” Allocates Funds

May 14, 2014

Memorial Hermann “In the Pink of Health” Allocates Funds

THE WOODLANDS– The Memorial Hermann In the Pink of Health committee recently announced the 2013 Luncheon proceeds of $540,000 will soon be dispersed to several deserving entities including The Rose.

Committee co-chairs Melissa Preston and Carrie Hyman agree: “As a result of tremendous community support, we are helping our neighbors in ways we never dreamed possible,” said the co-chairs.  “With almost any cancer, early detection is key.  That’s why we work so hard to create awareness of this disease, bring cutting-edge diagnostic technology to Memorial Hermann The Woodlands Hospital and ensure that inability to pay doesn’t prevent women in our community from getting their annual mammograms.”

The major beneficiaries of the 2013 funds include:

  • $300,000 – Seed money to establish a cancer survivorship center affiliated with Memorial Hermann The Woodlands Hospital;
  • $75,000 – Local underserved women who need mammograms;
  • $40,000 – The Rose, a local non-profit that provides access to screening, diagnostics, and treatment services to any woman regardless of her ability to pay;
  • $15,000 – Angel Flight, a non-profit charitable organization of pilots, volunteers and others who arrange for free air transportation for any legitimate, charitable, medically-related need;
  • $51,500 – Educational and Support Services for recently diagnosed patients;
  • $11,500 – Breast Prostheses and Radiant Wraps; and
  • $50,000 – A reserve fund for emergent needs identified throughout the year.

Representatives from several of the organizations will make presentations during the next several months to educate the 2014 Committee about their exciting plans for the funds.

In the meantime, planning for the 14th Annual Memorial Hermann In the Pink of Health Luncheon is well underway.  And, for the first time in its history, the committee has expanded its focus beyond breast cancer to include ovarian cancer.

According to the National Cancer Institute, an estimated 235,000 new cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed and an estimated 22,000 new cases of ovarian cancer are expected this year.  A woman’s risk of developing breast and/or ovarian cancer is greatly increased if she inherits a genetic mutation from her mother or father in the BRCA1 gene or the BRCA2 gene.  Since these genes are linked to both breast and ovarian cancer, women who have had breast cancer have an increased risk of ovarian cancer.

“After considering the connection between breast and ovarian cancer, we knew we had to broaden our focus,” added Preston and Hyman.  “So, our mission has changed slightly.  Moving forward, we will work to raise funds to reduce the incidence of breast and ovarian cancer and assist survivors in their journey.”

The 14th Annual Memorial Hermann In the Pink of Health Luncheon is scheduled for Friday, October 10 at The Woodlands Waterway Marriott.  For more information about sponsorship opportunities, call 713-897-PINK or email [email protected].
