For three years they’ve been perfecting Mamma’s and Martini’s. This year their gift to The Rose, a nonprofit breast health organization, was their biggest yet, totaling $6500. More than 60 guests enjoyed the food, drinks, and a silent auction of 65 items.
“The event was thrown together on a whim three years ago with only a few weeks to plan,” explained Lori Montgomery, Jill’s daughter and the social media “guru” of the team that launched a Facebook page for this year’s effort. “The gentlemen had a steaks and stogies event at the Country Club, so what were the women to do? They created Mamma’s and Martini’s and with it being in October, they decided to do a benefit for breast cancer.”
After an online search, Donna, a breast cancer survivor, and Jill chose The Rose.
“They really liked that The Rose helps uninsured women with mammograms. Donna found her breast cancer due to early detection. They really believe that is the key. That is why they chose The Rose,” noted Lori.
The now annual fundraising event has evolved. Jill and Donna cover the cost of food and drink. Then they charge $15 at the door, take donations for The Rose, and rely on the silent auction to do the rest. Fall Creek neighbors Janice Allison, Laurie Hicks, Tracy Monk, and Lissa McGovern assist with the planning and outreach in the community. This year the group added an additional enticement. Each guest bringing guests would get a ticket for each to put into a drawing for a 6 hour limo trip and win a $250 VISA gift card donated by Pete and Martha Serna of Serna Insurance in Humble.
Other local businesses also offered auction donations including Body Glow, Glam Hair Salon, Chick-fil-A, ZZ Gators, Kingwood Skin Essentials, Center for Medical Weight Loss, Creative Window Designs, Embellishments, Houston Uptown Dentists, Golden Gypsie (Old Town Spring), Kingwood Country Club, Redstone Country Club, Tour 18, Walden on Lake Houston, and Shell Houston Open.
“The fact that Jill and Donna along with their friends and family have grown this fundraiser so quickly and so significantly is a testament to what women on a mission can do,” said Dorothy Gibbons, CEO and Co-Founder of The Rose. “We are so grateful for their continuing support of The Rose and our focus on quality breast health care for all women.”
The small team of party planners continues to grow and is already working on next year’s gathering.
To learn more about FUNdraising for The Rose, see our online resource which offers ideas and how-tos. To contact our Events Manager, email [email protected]. To see a list of upcoming events, check out our online calendar.