The Rose
saved my life.

Meet Marisol

Breast Cancer Survivor, diagnosed at 24

Marisol was only 24 years old when she felt a lemon-sized lump in her breast. As a college student and a single mom with no health insurance, her options were limited, but she knew she couldn’t ignore the lump she had found. After seeing a doctor she was diagnosed with cystic sarcoma phyllodes, breast cancer.  But what was even more shocking to Marisol than a diagnosis of cancer was what it would cost to treat it. Her first question was not “will I survive this disease?” but instead, “How will I ever pay for treatment?” She didn’t want to be a financial burden to her parents let alone handle thousands of dollars of treatment on a college student’s budget.

As the walls began to cave around Marisol her doctor introduced her to a small non-profit organization whose sole purpose is to save women’s lives and provide access to care regardless of their ability to pay, The Rose. She still can’t recount the story without bursting into tears. “I believe The Rose save my life,” she said. The Rose stepped in and navigated her through treatment, leaving her with only a small out-of-pocket cost.

Marisol is now championing a “14-year breast cancer survivor” title, is married and was able to witness her eldest of four children walk across the stage to receive his High School Diploma.

Because of you and hundreds of others, we can help women, like Marisol, live to see graduations, weddings, and even grandbabies. At The Rose, we see women survive and thrive… women who would otherwise lose this battle, but didn’t. Your donation gives her a chance for a lifetime.

Watch The Story

"I believe The Rose saved my life"
- Marisol

Our Mission

Saving lives through quality breast health services, advocacy and access to care for all.