Four generations of the Perry family have helped the annual Shrimp Boil take on the feel of a “family reunion.” Crystal Fox of Cleveland (far left) assisted her grandmother Helen Perry of Houston (far right) with the first-ever Shrimp Boil. Bradley Perry of Shepherd is holding Cameron Fox to complete the photo captured at the 24th Annual fundraiser for The Rose.
HOUSTON — The 24th Annual Shrimp Boil broke fundraising records, drew comparisons to a family reunion, and launched a new awareness campaign for The Rose, the nonprofit breast health organization covering Houston and 24 counties.
For the second time in the more than two-decade history of the southeast Houston area event, the total funds received surpassed the $100,000 mark with a gross income of more than $130,000. More than 1,000 participants filled the space at the Pasadena Convention Center.
Pasadena auctioneer Bear Hebert was acknowledged for his 15th year as emcee and helped push the live auction totals alone over $30,000. The 100 silent auction baskets donated by members of the community and The Rose staff brought in nearly $20,000.
“Seeing all these familiar faces – many who are my patients – truly makes me feel like we have a family reunion of sorts happening at the Shrimp Boil each year,” said Dr. Dixie Melillo, the Co-Founder of The Rose along with CEO Dorothy Gibbons, as they welcomed the crowd.
“We truly are grateful to the many supporters who have now been with us for decades,” noted Gibbons. “We could not do the great work we do for the underserved in the community without our sponsors, volunteers, and exceptional staff.”
Gibbons went on to explain the new Me2 campaign which encourages women to “Think Me2” and make their own health a priority. She added that the campaign also underscores that when three insured women come for their annual screenings at The Rose – Me plus 2 – they help cover the cost of a screening for an uninsured woman.
“Your support today – through ticket sales, sponsorships, bids, and donations – helps us take Me to the Second Power, expanding the work that we do,” she concluded.
Among the supporters were Mark Meeker and the Lite House Cookers who served up 1,000 pounds of shrimp as well as Associated Credit Union of Texas who sponsored the food and activities for children including crafts modeled after the Kids Creative Zone of the Bayou City Art Festival. ACU employees along with BCAF volunteers and members of the Speakers Committee of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo staffed the area throughout the four-hour event.
Cheryl Cochran, the new chair for the annual event, announced that the days’ proceeds would help cover the cost of new ultrasound equipment. Cindy Durham, a patient of The Rose, personal trainer and mother of five, explained that ultrasounds are critical for younger women who often have dense breasts and need more than a mammogram.
“When I found my lump, I thought ‘it can’t be what I think it is,’” the Deer Park resident said. ” I’d always heard that you didn’t need to check until you were 40, and I was 38 at the time.”
Now an advocate for early detection, Cheryl followed her remarks with a series of audience participation stretches to ensure the group was awake and ready to bid during the live auction
Event Chair Cochran, a LaPorte resident in management at Styrolution in Pasadena, thought her eighth Shrimp Boil was among the best.
“I wanted to sit and visit with everyone to thank them. I didn’t even get to eat any shrimp, I was so excited,” she explained. “I’ve gone for so many years and I knew it must take a lot of effort, but I was just amazed at how hard everyone works, how generous the bids were, how supportive the community is of The Rose. I was truly blessed to be a part of it.
“And … people are already giving me ideas for next year!”
Donors and area businesses supporting the event this year included: Oates Industries, CGBM, Houston Community College, American Cargo Assurance, Skim2Live, VuComp, Trinet, Comedy Sportz Houston, Pinnacle, Genentech, Buffalo Flange, Painting with a Twist – La Marque, Precision Radiotherapy Center, Casa Ole, United Airlines, and Zachary.
For more information about The Rose and the thousands of insured and uninsured women who receive mammograms and diagnostic care at their two locations and via the mobile units, visit