The fuel that keeps The Rose on the road is a combination of critical need, donor support, and stories like Judy’s.
Judy Jones, a native of Louisiana living in Sabine County, Texas, received her first ever mammogram through The Rose Mobile program in East Texas via a partnership with the East Texas Health Access Network (ETHAN).
At 47, Judy thought she was doing the right thing by scheduling her mammogram, even though she had heard recommendations for women to begin at 50 and did not have signs of any breast problems. Her husband heard about the mammograms being offered locally from a radio announcement and encouraged her to make the appointment. Judy, nervous to go alone, convinced her sister to make an appointment as well.
Judy had her screening mammogram. She also discovered that, despite working full-time, she still met the eligibility criteria for sponsorship. When she was called back for diagnostic services she had to make a three -hour drive, since the mobile program only provides screenings. Soon, she received a diagnosis of breast cancer. She was immediately assisted by a Navigator who helped her apply for the Breast and Cervical Cancer Medicaid and explained the next steps.
Judy said, “If it hadn’t been for my Navigator, I wouldn’t have understood anything. I was so grateful for her help!”
Judy’s Medicaid for treatment was approved within 20 days and she had her first appointment five days later. The Rose Navigator went with Judy to the first hospital appointment.
“Everyone is so friendly and helpful at The Rose, from screening to diagnosis. My Navigator went out of her way to meet me at the hospital and bring me fuel cards, which really helped!!” she explained.
Judy is grateful for the gift of having the mobile unit come to Sabine County and make it easy to get a mammogram.
“If it hadn’t been for The Rose, I would not have had a mammogram. I tell all my friends to go see them at The Rose!” Judy can hardly wait to finish her last treatment appointment in June, because she wants to help ETHAN tell more women like her about importance of a mammogram.